In depth-stories
to change perspective.
FADA is a Collective founded in 2020 by a group of Italian freelance reporters working across media and borders. We REPORT - We are an independent newsroom producing multimedia, deeply reported public interest stories. We partner with international media to publish our stories. We CONNECT - We train young journalists, we promote collaboration and we build a community for the next generation of media makers. We IMPACT - We engage with local communities, civil society and policy makers to open up spaces for dialogue around civic participation and journalism, beyond the traditional media, with the aim to trigger change. We dig into the climate crisis, border policies, food systems, social movements and the lack of accountability by State and private actors.

Campagna di raccolta fondi per il progetto
I Hear Your Silence
Sostieni la realizzazione di una fanzine fotografica - una pubblicazione cartacea, indipendente e autoprodotta - sulla comunità queer in Tunisia, Libano e Giordania, un progetto che la fotogiornalista di FADA Daniela Sala porta avanti dal 2018.

il percorso di formazione per giornalist* lanciato da FADA Collective grazie al supporto di Journalismfund Europe, sei nel posto giusto.
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Partners & supporters.
Publications by our members appeared in:
Our team has worked with institutions and civil society in Italy and abroad, including:
Investigation and projects run by members of Fada Collective have been supported by: